摘  要   建筑室內(nèi)新風量指標的合理確定是協(xié)調(diào)建筑節(jié)能與室內(nèi)衛(wèi)生要求的重要選擇。基于新風量確定的基礎和
針對 GB50019-2003 中的新風量參數(shù)和 ASHRAE62.1-2007 參考的建筑污染水平,以劇院、商場為代表的高密人群建筑需要
關鍵詞  高密人群建筑   新風量指標   人員密度   建筑污染
Variation Characteristic of Outdoor Airflow Rate in High-density
Building Room
Wang Jun1
  Zhang Xu
(HVAC & Gas Institute, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract   Reasonable outdoor airflow rate is important for the balance of energy conservation and indoor health
requirement. Variation characteristic of outdoor airflow rate with indoor population density was analyzed for
high-density buildings  according to the principle and calculation methods of outdoor airflow in ASHRAE62.1-2007.
The results show that reducing outdoor airflow energy consumption is the primal problem all along for theater and mall,
high-density building, with outdoor airflow parameter in GB50019-2003 and building pollution standard in
ASHRAE62.1-2007. Outdoor airflow required occupants and building should be treated respectively. And reducing
building pollution is one important way for lowering outdoor airflow requirement, the higher indoor population density
is, the greater signification is.
Keywords    High-density building    Outdoor airflow rate    Population density    Building pollution